Get in touch
Kirkfield Guest House
Hebden Road
North Yorkshire
BD23 5LJ
01756 752385
To find the house from Skipton use the following directions: As you enter Grassington, the road bears round to the right, with a left hand turn up to the village square. Follow the road around to the right and you will go past a school on your right. There is then a speed hump and zebra crossing, with the National Parks car park on your right. Continue straight on. There is a road on the right hand side directly after the car park. The house is the first driveway on the right after this road (Sedber Lane).
If you are approaching from the opposite direction (Hebden) then please use the following directions:
As you enter Grassington there is a 30mph+ sign and the road bears round to the right. There is a driveway on your left near a sign for old people crossing. The house is the next driveway on the left after this. If you see the National Parks car park on your left then you have gone too far. Above is a map showing where we are.